How We Began

Blanche Goring Bolden, the chairperson of LACSC, was in the same predicament that many Caribbean parents face to this day. Her daughter's scoliosis was progressive and was reaching the point where it was life threatening. After searching online and contacting Dr.Emans, a surgeon at Boston Children's Hospital, she was finally able to find someone that was willing to deal with this high-risk surgery. It is important to note that her daughter had consultations with local doctors who did not give sufficient support with having her scoliosis treated in its early stages. As a result, her spine's condition continued to get worse; eventually she had a 100 degree curve. At this point, no one locally was not paying her much attention.
With the assistance of another local charity, Alexis was finally able to receive her treatment overseas in Boston. This procedure took place in 2014 and took over 8 hours. Afterwards, Alexis' curvature was drastically smaller; this experience was life changing. This surgery took place four years ago; currently Alexis is a college student pursuing a major in Business Management.
This experience inspired Blanche to create her own charity. In 2016, Life After Curve Scoliosis was officially registered as a charity. 

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