
Showing posts from January, 2017

First Event: Life After Scoliosis Hike

On Sunday, 22nd January 2017, the first fundraising event for this charity was held. Below are some captures from the informative event. President of Life After Curve Scoliosis was in the moment of registering participants that arrived. Historian Trevor Marshall (blue,black and yellow shirt) showing participants some distinguished persons in the photograph. One of these persons was the Right Honourable Errol Walton Barrow posing by the Harp Gun. We were able to see the Harp Gun; Mr. Marshall relayed information about the Harp Gun and the history behind it. This information was very beneficial for the participants since they were able to learn important things about Barbados. Participants hiking along the pathway. Some time was taken to snap some group photos. Banner:compliments of B3 Imaging Inc. The family at Life After Curve Scoliosis is very appreciative of the persons that came out to support; we would also like to extent thanks to Trevor Marshall, Hik

Upcoming Event: Life After Scoliosis Hike

This will be our first event for 2017 as well as our charity. Below has a picture of our flyer that outlines the date, time, location, and other information.

Adrianne's Story

 ❝I first discovered I had scoliosis at age 11 . Sucks right ? My cousin/needlework was the first to recognise it. At that time I was now going in Class 4 at Ellerton Primary School. My parents then searched through the directory for nearby chiropractors. We then found one by the name of Dr. Adrian Sealy who examined me and then told me I would have to wear a brace. He then wrote a referral letter to Carib Rehab for me to get braced up but for some reason we ended up at Carib Supply. When we got there one of the workers stated that I'll need surgery. All that was going through me mind was "Why would I need surgery? I'm only a child. At age 11, I thought surgery would've kill me or cripple me. Anyways, My parents decided that I won't get the surgery. I then graduated from primary school, off to Secondary. school. I passed for The Lester Vaughan Secondary. My parents saw my back wasn't getting any better so we then called Carib Rehab and made an appoin